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Change Communities, Build Economies

Donate Today

The National Warren Neighborhood Initiative is foremost a nonprofit, charitable organization within the United States. As a public charity WNI relies on the generosity and and support of our individual donors, sponsorships from public and private buisiness located within the target area of a prospective neighborhood and by grants from public and private foundations that support Community Development Charities(CDC)


All donations to The Warren Neighborhood Initative are tax deductible under Section 501(c)3 of the Federal Tax Code of the Internal Revenue Service of 1986 and future revised tax federal tax code. Please contact us using the emails below for information on WNI's Tax-Exempt Status.


The Warren Neighborhood Initiative was named as a Gold level Non-profit organization in 2017 for its commitment to being completely transparent on our expenses and revenues throughout the fiscal year. WNI's National Board of Directors strive to make WNI one of the most trusted and well respected nonprofit organizations within the State of Ohio, complete transparency to all of our donors and sponsors.


WNI's Fiscal reports can be sent to you by request, as well as our last filled Tax Reports(Form 990)


Donation Award Levels:


Triple Diamond Donor: $50,000+


Double Diamond Donor: $30,000-$49,999


Diamond Donor: $10,000-$29,999


Platinum Donor: $5,000-$9,999


Gold Level Donor: $2,500-$4,999


Silver Level Donor: $1,000-$2,499


Pride Contributor: $5-$999



WNI Accepts Donations of All types(Cash, Checks, In-Kind, Credit/Debit Card), for donations with your Credit/Debit Card use the donate button above to process your donation. All other donations will need to be mailed to the executive office for the National Warren Neighborhood Initative, please print and fill out the form by clicking on the links at at the bottom of this page and mail with your donation to:


ATTN: WNI Administrator

1457 Central Parkway Ave SE

WNI National HQ

Warren, Ohio 44484

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Tax Exemption Letter-501(c)3

Donation Form

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